Join Us
Sunday Mornings at 11am
Bible-centered preaching, with traditional and newer hymns. Our services are a blend of laity and clergy working together to share the Word of God. We offer Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. We believe that the Communion table does not belong to Page UMC, but rather to the LORD. As such the Communion table is open to all. A typical Sunday morning service has elements of high church with an informal feel. There may even be puppets on any given Sunday!
DAILY DEVOTIONALOur Missions and More
Please join us in fellowship and support our community, as we partner with groups
such as Page One, Society of St. Andrew, Shenandoah Area on Aging and others.

Page One Food Pantry Donations
We collect non-perishable food each month for our local food pantry, Page One. You can put your donations in our shopping cart or in one of the bins in the East Entryway.

Feeding the Lambs
This program packs bags of food for elementary school children to eat on the weekends. We are proud to be a part of this ecumenical ministry that has made a significant improvement in each child’s life and educational achievement.